Confetti Corn

2 tablespoons of avocado oil
1/2 cup of red onion (chopped)
1 small orange bell pepper
2 tablespoons of butter
kernals cut from 5 ears of NH corn (4 cups)
1 1/2 teaspoons of salt
1 teaspoon of ground pepper
2 tablespoons of fresh minced parsley leaves 

1.   Cut the kernels off of at least 5 ears of uncooked corn (totaling 4 cups.)
2.   Heat the avocado oil over medium heat in a large skillet pan.  
3.   Add the chopped red onion and saute for 5 minutes or until the onion is soft. 
4.   Stir in the chopped bell pepper and saute for 2 more minutes.  
5.   Add the butter to the pan and allow the butter to melt.  
6.   Over medium heat, add the corn, salt and pepper, stirring occasionally, for about 7 minutes.  
7.   Stir in parsley and serve hot.